Tulips Daffodils and Hyacinths are some of the stalwarts of the early spring garden. The melting snow and the early spring sunshine start to show their little heads popping up out of the ground it is a sure sign that Spring is arriving shortly and nature is about to paint the garden with some of the most wonderful colors in her pallet. The explosion of colors that spring holds is like a fireworks show to get you excited about the upcoming growing season.
Truly every garden should have a display bed of early spring flowering bulbs. Now is the time to get them in the ground. There are few more short weeks but you must plant them now in order for the bulbs to get established before the freezing weather comes.
Planting is very easy simply dig holes about 2 1/2 times the size of the bulbs then drop them in cover over. We plant thousands each fall at the urban garden so we use a small auger attached to the power drill and can plant dozens in just a few minutes . Some people like to plant in large beds of mass plantings. I prefer smaller groups. We will drill between 8 and 14 holes in an irregular shape and plant the bulbs there. It is like having dozens of bouquets of flowers each a bit different and can be a very dramatic effect. If you prefer a larger bed like arrangement mark out an area and dig out the soil to about 8″ place all the bulbs in the hole and then replace the soil. You can easily plant several hundred bulbs this way in less than a half an hour.
What ever method is your choice the main thing is you need to get started and you should get started this weekend the weather is going to be against you soon and remember to get a beautiful display in spring you need to get them in the ground this fall.
aku insan yang lemah
7 years ago
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